Justicia Social

Promovemos la concientización sobre casos que necesitan atención.

man in black jacket holding blue and white banner
man in black jacket holding blue and white banner
Denuncias Activas

Informamos sobre injusticias y promovemos cambios sociales.

people holding green glass bottle during daytime
people holding green glass bottle during daytime
woman in pink and white stripe shirt wearing black and white fitted cap
woman in pink and white stripe shirt wearing black and white fitted cap
crowd of people near concrete buildings during daytime
crowd of people near concrete buildings during daytime
Proyectos Reales

Difundimos historias inspiradoras que impulsan la acción colectiva.

Contáctanos para más información

Tu voz es importante para construir una sociedad más justa.

brown concrete building with graffiti
brown concrete building with graffiti

Justicia Social

Galería de acciones y eventos por una sociedad más equitativa.

books over green trolley bin
books over green trolley bin
grayscale photo of man holding happy birthday signage
grayscale photo of man holding happy birthday signage
happy birthday greeting card on green and red plant
happy birthday greeting card on green and red plant
a mural on the side of a building
a mural on the side of a building